So what’s this place all about?

rubber band ball | the both and | shorts and l...

Image by Shorts and Longs | The Both And via Flickr

I have things I want to share with you…but, what? What are they? What is inside of me? I can feel like a rubber band ball. Each band is an emotion, passion, memory, fear, hurt, joy etc. I’m a ball of confusion inwardly. Separate rubber bands mingling together as a singular tightly wound ball. The Rabbit Hole is one of my attempts to slowly, carefully, creatively and lovingly unwind myself, my rubber band ball, and examine each band for myself and then share those thoughts with anyone who cares to know and interact with me.

(Update 8/2/11)…So I’ve had this blog up for a couple months now. I didn’t have in mind a particular theme when I started. I basically started using this as a way to express my current state of being which I felt needed a proper outlet. So, surprise surprise, I decided to blog as a means of self expression like the countless others out there that are far more eloquent and able than myself. At the time of this update this blog has taken a clear theme as I allowed it to happen organically. The metaphorical “rubber bands” mentioned earlier that have been demanding my attention, needing to be voiced and expressed, has been my pain. Pain from a breakup. I’ve longed to share this blog on my Facebook account with my friends and family but, I’ve decided against it for now, due to wanting to respect my ex-girlfriend who I call, “C” here. Most people on my Facebook will know who I’m referring to in my posts. Why should I care? I’m simply telling my story, right? If it puts C’s business out there then so be it. It is what it is, right? If the shoe fits wear it, right? …hmmm. I’ll continue to ponder how to handle this. Admittedly, this blog is not up to my liking visually and more importantly content wise. So I’m asking that you please be patient with me, I’m still in the process of just getting things out of my head and onto…paper?…. ahhh, CYBERSPACE! lol.


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1 Response to So what’s this place all about?

  1. Diana says:

    LOve this rubber ball analogy..So funny how many of us are just like this..some different sizes of course…I guess the Bigger the rubber ball the more to unwind…eeek!! what WORK that could be!!!! It’s scary to think of when this Ball came to be so intertwind…ugh! I guess at some point, like a thin person slowly gaining pounds of lard..not to be so grotesque,,but to let the body go is to the rubber band ball getting bigger in size…feeding yourself to an oblivion is feeding the void, feeding the happiness, feeding the sadness, feeding the fear~ how awful right? When & How could everything have spiraled out of control? Oh yes, now the memories come fluttering through like snapshots in an old movie, everything starts to unravel, it all makes sense and the pounds of weight start to shed~NOW all those rubber bands start to unmesh..ahhhh YES!! Something inside has awoken and the undertanding begins….the learning comes & reflection happens…this unmeshing can be fun and scary…Oh YES and the knowledge and WISDOM that comes with this new founded ground is exhilarating…More of us should attempt to un mesh those bands…I guess when the time is right! To those on their journey of un doing those colorful bands that once have been binding..may the experience bring a new beginning~

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